Craig had been working at a jeweller’s, helping to polish diamonds and while he enjoyed the job, he felt like something was missing. He made the career change to work in adult social care and hasn’t looked back.

“I had been working for a jeweller – finishing and polishing diamonds. As much as I enjoyed the job and was good at it, it was not fulfilling me. I felt something was missing. That’s when I started to think about what other skills I have and what I like to do.

“A friend told me I’d be a good Support Worker, but I didn’t know what that involved. When she explained that it was about caring, but also supporting someone to do what they want and be independent, I thought about my wee gran and how much I like spending time chatting to her.

“I looked up Sense Scotland, read some brilliant stories about their values and how they supported people and was successful with my application.

“From the moment I was introduced to the man I’d be supporting I thought: ‘This is different. This could be what I am looking for’. The training gave me a massive confidence boost. It made me feel comfortable and ready for my new role.

“It’s so much more than a care position. It’s supporting people to be their best. It is all about them. I don’t just go in and do everything for the individuals I care for. If they’re capable of doing something on their own, I’m there to support them to do that. There’s definitely a rewarding feeling that comes with seeing someone feel like they have accomplished something.

Over the course of the pandemic, Sense Scotland had to adapt their services. With many activities off limits, Craig found a way to maintain a familiar routine. He brought physical activities like circuit training, weights and dance into the home of one particular individual he supported, for example.

Craig’s advice to people looking to apply for an adult social care position:

“I take everything I learn into my personal life and it makes me feel like a better person.

“I love my job and I love helping those I support. I always learn a lot from them too! Yes, it’s a rewarding job but it’s so much more than that. Being able to understand things differently when you support people from all walks of life has made me more confident.

“It is so amazing to walk in someone else’s shoes. I can honestly say I’m happy and proud to be a man in care.”